

Implementing 4-Dimensional GLV Method on GLS Elliptic Curves with j-Invariant 0

13 years 2 months ago
Implementing 4-Dimensional GLV Method on GLS Elliptic Curves with j-Invariant 0
Abstract. The Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone (GLV) method is a very efcient technique for accelerating point multiplication on elliptic curves with eciently computable endomorphisms. Galbraith, Lin and Scott (J. Cryptol. 24(3), 446-469 (2011)) showed that point multiplication exploiting the 2-dimensional GLV method on a large class of curves over Fp2 was faster than the standard method on general elliptic curves over Fp, and left as an open problem to study the case of 4-dimensional GLV on special curves (e.g., j(E) = 0) over Fp2 . We study the above problem in this paper. We show how to get the 4-dimensional GLV decomposition with proper decomposed coecients, and thus reduce the number of doublings for point multiplication on these curves to only a quarter. The resulting implementation shows that the 4-dimensional GLV method on a GLS curve runs in about 0.78 the time of the 2-dimensional GLV method on the same curve and in between 0.78-0.87 the time of the 2dimensional GLV method using t...
Zhi Hu, Patrick Longa, Maozhi Xu
Added 23 Dec 2011
Updated 23 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IACR
Authors Zhi Hu, Patrick Longa, Maozhi Xu
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