

Towards quantum-resistant cryptosystems from supersingular elliptic curve isogenies

13 years 2 months ago
Towards quantum-resistant cryptosystems from supersingular elliptic curve isogenies
We present new candidates for quantum-resistant public-key cryptosystems based on the conjectured difficulty of finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. The main technical idea in our scheme is that we transmit the images of torsion bases under the isogeny in order to allow the two parties to arrive at a common shared key despite the noncommutativity of the endomorphism ring. Our work is motivated by the recent development of a subexponential-time quantum algorithm for constructing isogenies between ordinary elliptic curves. In the supersingular case, by contrast, the fastest known quantum attack remains exponential, since the noncommutativity of the endomorphism ring means that the approach used in the ordinary case does not apply. We give a precise formulation of the necessary computational assumption along with a discussion of its validity, and prove the security of our protocols under this assumption. In addition, we present implementation results showing that our ...
David Jao, Luca De Feo
Added 23 Dec 2011
Updated 23 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where IACR
Authors David Jao, Luca De Feo
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