

Edge-Based Features for Localization of Artificial Urdu Text in Video Images

13 years 2 months ago
Edge-Based Features for Localization of Artificial Urdu Text in Video Images
—Content-based video indexing and retrieval has become an interesting research area with the tremendous growth in the amount of digital media. In addition to the audio-visual content, text appearing in videos can serve as a powerful tool for semantic indexing and retrieval of videos. This paper proposes a method based on edge-features for horizontally aligned artificial Urdu text detection from video images. The system exploits edge based segmentation to extract textual content from videos. We first find the vertical gradients in the input video image and average the gradient magnitude in a fixed neighborhood of each pixel. The resulting image is binarized and the horizontal run length smoothing algorithm (RLSA) is applied to merge possible text regions. An edge density filter is then applied to eliminate noisy non-text regions. Finally, the candidate regions satisfying certain geometrical constraints are accepted as text regions. The proposed approach evaluated on a data set of 150 ...
Akhtar Jamil, Imran Siddiqi, Fahim Arif, Ahsen Raz
Added 24 Dec 2011
Updated 24 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Akhtar Jamil, Imran Siddiqi, Fahim Arif, Ahsen Raza
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