

Boundary regulation in social media

12 years 8 months ago
Boundary regulation in social media
The management of group context in socially mediating technologies is an important challenge for the design community. To better understand how users manage group context, we explored the practice of multiple profile management in social media. In doing so, we observed creative and opportunistic strategies for group context management. We found that multiple profile maintenance is motivated by four factors: privacy, identity, utility, and propriety. Drawing on these motives, we observe a continuum of boundary regulation behaviors: pseudonymity, practical obscurity, and transparent separation. Based on these findings, we encourage designers of group context management systems to more broadly consider motives and practices of group separations in social media. Group context management systems should be privacy-enhancing, but a singular focus on privacy overlooks a range of other group context management practices. Author Keywords Privacy, social media, qualitative research ACM Classific...
Stutzman Frederic, Hartzog Woodrow
Added 21 Apr 2012
Updated 21 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CSCW
Authors Stutzman Frederic, Hartzog Woodrow
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