

AutoNetkit: simplifying large scale, open-source network experimentation

12 years 6 months ago
AutoNetkit: simplifying large scale, open-source network experimentation
We present a methodology that brings simplicity to large and comt labs by using abstraction. The networking community has appreciated the value of large scale test labs to explore complex network interactions, as seen in projects such as PlanetLab, GENI, DETER, Emulab, and SecSI. Virtualization has enabled the creation of many more such labs. However, one problem remains: it is time consuming, tedious and error prone to setup and configure large scale test networks. Separate devices need to be configured in a coordinated way, even in a virtual lab. it, an open source tool, uses abstractions and defaults to achieve both configuration and deployment and create such largescale virtual labs. This allows researchers and operators to explore new protocols, create complex models of networks and predict cons of configuration changes. However, our abstractions could also allow the discussion of the broader configuration manproblem. Abstractions that currently configure networks in a test...
Simon Knight, Askar Jaboldinov, Olaf Maennel, Iain
Added 27 Sep 2012
Updated 27 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Authors Simon Knight, Askar Jaboldinov, Olaf Maennel, Iain Phillips, Matthew Roughan
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