

Secure Compilation to Modern Processors

12 years 5 months ago
Secure Compilation to Modern Processors
—We present a secure (fully abstract) compilation scheme to compile an object-based high-level language to lowchine code. Full abstraction is achieved by relying on a fine-grained program counter-based memory access protection scheme, which is part of our low-level target language. We why standard compilers fail to provide full abstraction and introduce enhancements needed to achieve this goal. We prove that our enhanced compilation scheme provides full abstraction from our high-level source language to our lowlevel target language. Lastly, we show by means of a prototype implementation that our low-level language with fine-grained memory access control can be realized efficiently on modern commodity platforms. -software security, compilation, full abstraction, hypervisors
Pieter Agten, Raoul Strackx, Bart Jacobs, Frank Pi
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CSFW
Authors Pieter Agten, Raoul Strackx, Bart Jacobs, Frank Piessens
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