

Task-Driven Dictionary Learning

12 years 4 months ago
Task-Driven Dictionary Learning
—Modeling data with linear combinations of a few elements from a learned dictionary has been the focus of much recent research in machine learning, neuroscience, and signal processing. For signals such as natural images that admit such sparse representations, it is now well established that these models are well suited to restoration tasks. In this context, learning the dictionary amounts to solving a large-scale matrix factorization problem, which can be done efficiently with classical optimization tools. The same approach has also been used for learning features from data for other purposes, e.g., image classification, but tuning the dictionary in a supervised way for these tasks has proven to be more difficult. In this paper, we present a general formulation for supervised dictionary learning adapted to a wide variety of tasks, and present an efficient algorithm for solving the corresponding optimization problem. Experiments on handwritten digit classification, digital art identif...
Julien Mairal, Francis Bach, Jean Ponce
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where PAMI
Authors Julien Mairal, Francis Bach, Jean Ponce
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