

Feature-Driven Data Exploration for Volumetric Rendering

12 years 2 months ago
Feature-Driven Data Exploration for Volumetric Rendering
Abstract—We have developed an intuitive method to semi-automatically explore volumetric data in a focus-region-guided or valuedriven way using a user defined ray through the 3D volume and contour lines in the region of interest. After selecting a point of interest from a 2D perspective, which defines a ray through the 3D volume, our method provides analytical tools to assist in narrowing the region of interest to a desired set of features. Feature layers are identified in a 1D scalar value profile with the ray and are used to define default rendering parameters, such as color and opacity mappings, and locate the center of the region of interest. Contour lines are generated based on the feature layer level sets within interactively selected slices of the focus region. Finally, we utilize feature-preserving filters and demonstrate the applicability of our scheme to noisy data.
Insoo Woo, Ross Maciejewski, Kelly P. Gaither, Dav
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where TVCG
Authors Insoo Woo, Ross Maciejewski, Kelly P. Gaither, David S. Ebert
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