

Discriminative Pronunciation Modeling: A Large-Margin, Feature-Rich Approach

12 years 3 months ago
Discriminative Pronunciation Modeling: A Large-Margin, Feature-Rich Approach
We address the problem of learning the mapping between words and their possible pronunciations in terms of sub-word units. Most previous approaches have involved generative modeling of the distribution of pronunciations, usually trained to maximize likelihood. We propose a discriminative, feature-rich approach using large-margin learning. This approach allows us to optimize an objective closely related to a discriminative task, to incorporate a large number of complex features, and still do inference efficiently. We test the approach on the task of lexical access; that is, the prediction of a word given a phonetic transcription. In experiments on a subset of the Switchboard conversational speech corpus, our models thus far improve classification error rates from a previously published result of 29.1% to about 15%. We find that large-margin approaches outperform conditional random field learning, and that the Passive-Aggressive algorithm for largemargin learning is faster to conver...
Hao Tang, Joseph Keshet, Karen Livescu
Added 29 Sep 2012
Updated 29 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where ACL
Authors Hao Tang, Joseph Keshet, Karen Livescu
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