

Transfer Learning in Collaborative Filtering with Uncertain Ratings

12 years 4 months ago
Transfer Learning in Collaborative Filtering with Uncertain Ratings
To solve the sparsity problem in collaborative filtering, researchers have introduced transfer learning as a viable approach to make use of auxiliary data. Most previous transfer learning works in collaborative filtering have focused on exploiting point-wise ratings such as numerical ratings, stars, or binary ratings of likes/dislikes. However, in many real-world recommender systems, many users may be unwilling or unlikely to rate items with precision. In contrast, practitioners can turn to various non-preference data to estimate a range or rating distribution of a user’s preference on an item. Such a range or rating distribution is called an uncertain rating since it represents a rating spectrum of uncertainty instead of an accurate point-wise score. In this paper, we propose an efficient transfer learning solution for collaborative filtering, known as transfer by integrative factorization (TIF), to leverage such auxiliary uncertain ratings to improve the performance of recomme...
Weike Pan, Evan Wei Xiang, Qiang Yang
Added 29 Sep 2012
Updated 29 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where AAAI
Authors Weike Pan, Evan Wei Xiang, Qiang Yang
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