

Answering conceptual queries with Ferret

15 years 3 months ago
Answering conceptual queries with Ferret
Programmers seek to answer questions as they investigate the functioning of a software system, such as "which execution path is being taken in this case?" Programmers attempt to answer these questions, which we call conceptual queries, using a variety of tools. Each type of tool typically highlights one kind of information about the system, such as static structural information or control-flow information. Unfortunately for the programmer, the tools seldom directly answer the programmer's conceptual queries. Instead, the programmer must piece together results from different tools to determine an answer to the initial query. At best, this process is time consuming and at worst, this process can lead to data overload and disorientation. In this paper, we present a model that supports the integration of different sources of information about a program. This model enables the results of concrete queries in separate tools to be brought together to directly answer many of a p...
Brian de Alwis, Gail C. Murphy
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICSE
Authors Brian de Alwis, Gail C. Murphy
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