

An Analytics-Aware Conceptual Model for Evolving Graphs

10 years 8 months ago
An Analytics-Aware Conceptual Model for Evolving Graphs
Graphs are ubiquitous data structures commonly used to represent highly connected data. Many real-world applications, such as social and biological networks, are modeled as graphs. To answer the surge for graph data management, many graph database solutions were developed. These databases are commonly classified as NoSQL graph databases, and they provide better support for graph data management than their relational counterparts. However, each of these databases implement their own operational graph data model, which differ among the products. Further, there is no commonly agreed conceptual model for graph databases. In this paper, we introduce a novel conceptual model for graph databases. The aim of our model is to provide analysts with a set of simple, welldefined, and adaptable conceptual components to perform rich analysis tasks. These components take into account the evolving aspect of the graph. Our model is analytics-oriented, flexible and incremental, enabling analysis over...
Amine Ghrab, Sabri Skhiri, Salim Jouili, Esteban Z
Added 28 Apr 2014
Updated 28 Apr 2014
Type Journal
Year 2013
Authors Amine Ghrab, Sabri Skhiri, Salim Jouili, Esteban Zimányi
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