

Mining probabilistic generalized frequent itemsets in uncertain databases

9 years 10 months ago
Mining probabilistic generalized frequent itemsets in uncertain databases
Researchers have recently defined and presented the theoretical concepts and an algorithm necessary for mining so-called probabilistic frequent itemsets in uncertain databases—based on possible world semantics. Further, there exist algorithms for mining so-called generalized itemsets in certain databases, where a taxonomy exating concrete items to abstract (generalized) items not in the database. Currently, no research has been done in formulating a theory and algorithm for mining generalized itemsets from uncertain databases. Using probability theory and possible world semantics, we formulate a method for calculating the probability a generalized item will occur within an uncertain transaction. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.8 [Database Management]: Database Applications—Data mining; G.3 [Probability and Statistics]: Distribution functions Keywords Probabilistic generalized frequent itemsets, existential probability of generalized itemsets, uncertain databases
Erich Allen Peterson, Peiyi Tang
Added 19 May 2015
Updated 19 May 2015
Type Journal
Year 2013
Authors Erich Allen Peterson, Peiyi Tang
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