

Approximation Algorithms for Disjoint st-Paths with Minimum Activation Cost

8 years 9 months ago
Approximation Algorithms for Disjoint st-Paths with Minimum Activation Cost
In network activation problems we are given a directed or undirected graph G = (V, E) with a family {fuv (xu, xv) : (u, v) ∈ E} of monotone non-decreasing activation functions from D2 to {0, 1}, where D is a constant-size domain. The goal is to find activation values xv for all v ∈ V of minimum total cost v∈V xv such that the activated set of edges satisfies some connectivity requirements. Network activation problems generalize several problems studied in the network literature such as power optimization problems. We devise an approximation algorithm for the fundamental problem of finding the Minimum Activation Cost Pair of Node-Disjoint st-Paths (MA2NDP). The algorithm achieves approxi
Hasna Mohsen Alqahtani, Thomas Erlebach
Added 25 Mar 2016
Updated 25 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2013
Where CIAC
Authors Hasna Mohsen Alqahtani, Thomas Erlebach
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