

Binarisation via Dualisation for Valued Constraints

8 years 11 months ago
Binarisation via Dualisation for Valued Constraints
Constraint programming is a natural paradigm for many combinatorial optimisation problems. The complexity of constraint satisfaction for various forms of constraints has been widely-studied, both to inform the choice of appropriate algorithms, and to understand better the boundary between polynomial-time complexity and NP-hardness. In constraint programming it is well-known that any constraint satisfaction problem can be converted to an equivalent binary problem using the so-called dual encoding. Using this standard approach any fixed collection of constraints, of arbitrary arity, can be converted to an equivalent set of constraints of arity at most two. Here we show that this transformation, although it changes the domain of the constraints, preserves all the relevant algebraic properties that determine the complexity. Moreover, we show that the dual encoding preserves many of the key algorithmic properties of the original instance. We also show that this remains true for more gener...
David A. Cohen, Martin C. Cooper, Peter G. Jeavons
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AAAI
Authors David A. Cohen, Martin C. Cooper, Peter G. Jeavons, Stanislav Zivny
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