

BDD minimization for approximate computing

8 years 9 months ago
BDD minimization for approximate computing
Abstract—We present Approximate BDD Minimization (ABM) as a problem that has application in approximate computing. Given a BDD representation of a multi-output Boolean function, ABM asks whether there exists another function that has a smaller BDD representation but meets a threshold w.r.t. an error metric. We present operators to derive approximated functions and present algorithms to exactly compute the error metrics directly on the BDD representation. An experimental evaluation demonstrates the applicability of the proposed approaches.
Mathias Soeken, Daniel Große, Arun Chandrase
Added 29 Mar 2016
Updated 29 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Authors Mathias Soeken, Daniel Große, Arun Chandrasekharan, Rolf Drechsler
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