

A Framework for Outsourcing of Secure Computation

8 years 11 months ago
A Framework for Outsourcing of Secure Computation
We study the problem of how to efficiently outsource a sensitive computation on secret inputs to a number of untrusted workers, under the assumption that at least one worker is honest. In our setting there are a number of clients C1, . . . , Cn with inputs x1, . . . , xn. The clients want to delegate a secure computation of f(x1, . . . , xn) to a set of untrusted workers W1, . . . , Wm. We want do so in such a way that as long as there is at least one honest worker (and everyone else might be actively corrupted) the following holds:
Thomas P. Jakobsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Claudio O
Added 03 Apr 2016
Updated 03 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where IACR
Authors Thomas P. Jakobsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Claudio Orlandi
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