

Fault-Tolerant Aggregate Signatures

8 years 11 months ago
Fault-Tolerant Aggregate Signatures
Aggregate signature schemes allow for the creation of a short aggregate of multiple signatures. This feature leads to significant reductions of bandwidth and storage space in sensor networks, secure routing protocols, certificate chains, software authentication, and secure logging mechanisms. Unfortunately, in all prior schemes, adding a single invalid signature to a valid aggregate renders the whole aggregate invalid. Verifying such an invalid aggregate provides no information on the validity of any individual signature. Hence, adding a single faulty signature destroys the proof of integrity and authenticity for a possibly large amount of data. This is largely impractical in a range of scenarios, e.g. secure logging, where a single tampered log entry would render the aggregate signature of all log entries invalid. In this paper, we introduce the notion of fault-tolerant aggregate signature schemes. In such a scheme, the verification algorithm is able to determine the subset of all ...
Gunnar Hartung, Björn Kaidel, Alexander Koch,
Added 03 Apr 2016
Updated 03 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where IACR
Authors Gunnar Hartung, Björn Kaidel, Alexander Koch, Jessica Koch, Andy Rupp
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