

On adaptive pre-fetching and caching the contents in content centric networking

8 years 8 months ago
On adaptive pre-fetching and caching the contents in content centric networking
Abstract—In the initial proposal of Content Centric Networking (CCN), routers store all passing contents (a content composed of several segments). So, in the best case, the routers provide the contents directly to the users when the requested contents are stored in its cache. In the worst case, the requested content is just only located at the original server which is faraway from the current Autonomous System. Thus, the delay to get all the segments of requested content may be very high and users’ Quality of Experience will be very low. In this paper, we propose a scheme to reduce the delay to get the contents, improve the cache hit and also reduce the hit distance. Core routers store only one copy of the contents and also forward the requests cooperatively. Then, as the main proposal the perfetching algorithm is proposed at the access routers, in order to fetch the locally popular content(s) before requested by the users. We have intensively evaluated the performance of our propo...
Kyi Thar, Saeed Ullah, Doo Ho Lee, Choong Seon Hon
Added 04 Apr 2016
Updated 04 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Authors Kyi Thar, Saeed Ullah, Doo Ho Lee, Choong Seon Hong
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