

KDM-Security via Homomorphic Smooth Projective Hashing

8 years 5 months ago
KDM-Security via Homomorphic Smooth Projective Hashing
We present new frameworks for constructing public-key encryption schemes satisfying key-dependent message (KDM) security and that yield efficient, universally composable oblivious transfer (OT) protocols via the dual-mode cryptosystem framework of Peikert, Waters and Vaikuntanathan (Crypto 2008). – Our first framework yields a conceptually simple and unified treatment of the KDM-secure schemes of Boneh et al. (Crypto 2008), Brakerski and Goldwasser (Crypto 2010) and Brakerski, Goldwasser and Kalai (TCC 2011) in the single-key setting. – Using our second framework, we obtain new dual-mode cryptosystems based on the d-linear, quadratic residuocity and decisional composite residuocity assumptions. Both of these frameworks build on the notion of smooth projective hashing introduced by Cramer and Shoup (Eurocrypt 2002), with the additional requirement that the hash function is homomorphic, as is the case for all known instantiations. ⋆ CNRS, INRIA and Columbia University. Partially...
Hoeteck Wee
Added 08 Apr 2016
Updated 08 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where PKC
Authors Hoeteck Wee
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