

On the Hardness of Learning with Rounding over Small Modulus

8 years 6 months ago
On the Hardness of Learning with Rounding over Small Modulus
We show the following reductions from the learning with errors problem (LWE) to the learning with rounding problem (LWR): (1) Learning the secret and (2) distinguishing samples from random strings is at least as hard for LWR as it is for LWE for efficient algorithms if the number of samples is no larger than O(q/Bp), where q is the LWR modulus, p is the rounding modulus, and the noise is sampled from any distribution supported over the set {−B, . . . , B}. Our second result generalizes a theorem of Alwen, Krenn, Pietrzak, and Wichs (CRYPTO 2013) and provides an alternate proof of it. Unlike Alwen et al., we do not impose any number theoretic restrictions on the modulus q. The first result also extends to variants of LWR and LWE over polynomial rings. The above reductions are sample preserving and run in time poly(n, q, m). As additional results we show that (3) distinguishing any number of LWR samples from random strings is at least as hard as LWE whose noise distribution is uniform...
Andrej Bogdanov, Siyao Guo, Daniel Masny, Silas Ri
Added 10 Apr 2016
Updated 10 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where TCC
Authors Andrej Bogdanov, Siyao Guo, Daniel Masny, Silas Richelson, Alon Rosen
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