

Anchoring Knowledge in Interaction: Towards a Harmonic Subsymbolic/Symbolic Framework and Architecture of Computational Cognitio

8 years 11 months ago
Anchoring Knowledge in Interaction: Towards a Harmonic Subsymbolic/Symbolic Framework and Architecture of Computational Cognitio
Abstract. We outline a proposal for a research program leading to a new paradigm, architectural framework, and prototypical implementation, for the cognitively inspired anchoring of an agent’s learning, knowledge formation, and higher reasoning abilities in real-world interactions: Learning through interaction in real-time in a real environment triggers the incremental accumulation and repair of knowledge that leads to the formation of theories at a higher level of ion. The transformations at this higher level filter down and inform the learning process as part of a permanent cycle of learning through experience, higher-order deliberation, theory formation and revision. The envisioned framework will provide a precise computational theory, algorithmic descriptions, and an implementation in cyber-physical systems, addressing the lifting of action patterns from the subsymbolic to the symbolic knowledge level, effective methods for theory formation, adaptation, and evolution, the anchor...
Tarek Richard Besold, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Art
Added 13 Apr 2016
Updated 13 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AGI
Authors Tarek Richard Besold, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Alessandro Saffiotti, Martin H. Fischer, Alan Bundy
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