

Understanding Digital Cardwall Usage

8 years 8 months ago
Understanding Digital Cardwall Usage
—In Agile software development, key artefacts used to support the process are the User Story (usually recorded on a Storycard) and Story Cardwall (usually a dedicated portion of a wall). These low-fidelity tools work together to help teams stay focused and self-manage their projects. The need to support distributed teams and team members makes the physical Cardwall impractical and teams are therefore migrating towards digital story management tools. We conducted field studies of 8 Agile teams using digital Cardwalls, and performed qualitative data analysis to understand patterns of usages and user needs. We identify issues to address in the design of digital Cardwalls. Keywords—software process; agile software development; software development tools; cardwalls;
Stevenson Gossage, Judith M. Brown, Robert Biddle
Added 13 Apr 2016
Updated 13 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Stevenson Gossage, Judith M. Brown, Robert Biddle
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