

Loud and Trendy: Crowdsourcing Impressions of Social Ambiance in Popular Indoor Urban Places

8 years 10 months ago
Loud and Trendy: Crowdsourcing Impressions of Social Ambiance in Popular Indoor Urban Places
New research cutting across architecture, urban studies, and psychology is contextualizing the understanding of urban spaces according to the perceptions of their inhabitants. One fundamental construct that relates place and experience is ambiance, which is defined as “the mood or feeling associated with a particular place”. We posit that the systematic study of ambiance dimensions in cities is a new domain for which multimedia research can make pivotal contributions. We present a study to examine how images collected from social media can be used for the crowdsourced characterization of indoor ambiance impressions in popular urban places. We design a crowdsourcing framework to understand suitability of social images as data source to convey place ambiance, to examine what type of images are most suitable to describe ambiance, and to assess how people perceive places socially from the perspective of ambiance along 13 dimensions. Our study is based on 50,000 Foursquare images coll...
Darshan Santani, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Added 14 Apr 2016
Updated 14 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where MM
Authors Darshan Santani, Daniel Gatica-Perez
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