

Captain Buzz: An All-Smartphone Autonomous Delta-Wing Drone

8 years 10 months ago
Captain Buzz: An All-Smartphone Autonomous Delta-Wing Drone
Fully autonomous hobbyist drones are typically controlled using bespoke microcontrollers, or general purpose low-level controllers such as the Arduino [1]. However, these devices only have limited compute power and sensing capabilities, and do not easily provide cellular connectivity options. We present Captain Buzz, an Android smartphone app capable of piloting a delta-wing glider autonomously. Captain Buzz can control servos directly via pulse width modulation signals transmitted over the smartphone audio port. Compared with traditional approaches to building an autopilot, Captain Buzz allows users to leverage existing Android libraries for flight attitude determination, provides innovative usecases, allows users to reprogram their autopilot mid-flight for rapid prototyping, and reduces the cost of building drones. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.9 [Computing methodologies]: Artificial intelligence— Robotics[Autonomous vehicles; sensors] General Terms Design; Experimenta...
Ramsey M. Faragher, Oliver R. A. Chick, Daniel T.
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Ramsey M. Faragher, Oliver R. A. Chick, Daniel T. Wagner, Timothy Goh, James Snee, Brian Jones
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