

Challenges for Model-Integrating Components

8 years 10 months ago
Challenges for Model-Integrating Components
—Model-Integrating Software Components (MoCos) use models at runtime as first class entities within components to build flexible and adaptive software systems. Building such systems requires to design and implement the required domainspecific modeling languages. Insufficient design and realization of modeling languages raises the risk that they may not be optimized for their later use. Although various works on the use of models at runtime exist, they do not address the engineering of modeling languages to be used in software components at runtime. In this paper, we introduce the idea of Comprehensive Language Models (CLMs) which explicitly considers modeling language engineering as a part of the development of component based software systems. This is achieved by extending the modeling language specification, e.g., by a set of interfaces for models which are used for accessing models at runtime. We illustrate an initial solution concept along an insurance sales app case study o...
Mahdi Derakhshanmanesh, Jürgen Ebert, Marvin
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Mahdi Derakhshanmanesh, Jürgen Ebert, Marvin Grieger
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