

Fully verifying transformation contracts for declarative ATL

8 years 10 months ago
Fully verifying transformation contracts for declarative ATL
—The Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) is today a de-facto standard in model-driven development. It is understood by the community that methods for exhaustively verifying such transformations provide an important pillar for achieving a stronger adoption of model-driven development in industry. In this paper we propose a method for verifying ATL model transformations by translating them into DSLTrans, a transformation language with limited expressiveness. Pre-/postcondition contracts are then verified on the resulting DSLTrans specification using a symbolic-execution property prover. The technique we present in this paper is exhaustive for the declarative ATL subset, meaning that if a contract holds, it will hold when any input model is passed to the ATL transformation being checked. We explore the scalability of our technique using a set of examples, including a model transformation developed in collaboration with our industrial partner.
Bentley James Oakes, Javier Troya, Levi Lucio, Man
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Bentley James Oakes, Javier Troya, Levi Lucio, Manuel Wimmer
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