

Multi-Perspective Modeling and Performance Analysis of Software Product Lines

8 years 10 months ago
Multi-Perspective Modeling and Performance Analysis of Software Product Lines
—Software system are typically available in a rich set of variants nowadays to deal with differing customer or environmental requirements and application contexts. Managing such a software product line, gets even more difficult considering multiple involved engineering disciplines and long lifetimes, as typical for industrial systems of the automation domain. The thesis tackles this system diversity by modeling interdisciplinary system variability in both problem and solution space. Based on these models, we analyze the impact on performance properties during design time giving early feedback about the system behavior. The solution space is based on a model-driven approach with UML models, using notions of delta modeling to manage system variability and evolution enriched with information needed to automatically derive and analyze a performance model. Motivated by its widespread use in software engineering, we consider feature models for the problem space that are ultimately connect...
Matthias Kowal
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Matthias Kowal
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