

An Expeditious Approach to Modeling IDE Interaction Design

8 years 11 months ago
An Expeditious Approach to Modeling IDE Interaction Design
Software tools are being used by experts in a variety of domains. There are numerous software modeling editor environments (MEs) tailored to a specific domain expertise. However, there is no consistent approach to generically synthesize a product line of such MEs that also take into account the user interaction and experience (UX) adapted to the domain. In this position paper, we propose a solution to explicitly model the UX of MEs so that different aspects of UX design can be specified by non-programming experts. Our proposal advocates the use of multi-paradigm modeling where this aspect of the design of an ME is modeled explicitly and adapted to a specific user expert.
Vasco Sousa, Eugene Syriani
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Vasco Sousa, Eugene Syriani
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