

Individual and group stability in neutral restrictions of hedonic games

8 years 10 months ago
Individual and group stability in neutral restrictions of hedonic games
Abstract. We consider a class of coalition formation games called hedonic games, i.e., games in which the utility of a player is completely determined by the coalition that the player belongs to. We first define the class of subset-additive hedonic games and show that they have the same representation power as the class of hedonic games. We then define a restriction of subset-additive hedonic games that we call subsetneutral hedonic games and generalize a result by Bogomolnaia and Jackson (2002) by showing the existence of a Nash stable partition and an individually stable partition in such games. We also consider neutrally anonymous hedonic games and show that they form a subclass of the subset-additive hedonic games. Finally, we show the existence of a core stable partition that is also individually stable in neutrally anonymous hedonic games by exhibiting an algorithm to compute such a partition.
Warut Suksompong
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where MSS
Authors Warut Suksompong
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