

A Deformable Brodmann Area Atlas

15 years 3 months ago
A Deformable Brodmann Area Atlas
Functional MRI studies commonly refer to activation patterns as being localized in specific Brodmann areas, referring to Brodmann's divisions of the human cortex based on cytoarchitectonic boundaries [3]. Typically, Brodmann areas that match regions in the group averaged functional maps are estimated by eye, leading to inaccurate parcellations and significant error. To avoid this limitation, we developed a method using high-dimensional nonlinear registration to project the Brodmann areas onto individual 3D co-registered structural and functional MRI datasets, using an elastic deformation vector field in the cortical parameter space. Based on a sulcal pattern matching approach [11], an N=27 scan single subject atlas (the Colin Holmes atlas [15]) with associated Brodmann areas labeled on its surface, was deformed to match 3D cortical surface models generated from individual subjects' structural MRIs (sMRIs). The deformed Brodmann areas were used to quantify and localize functi...
Paul Rasser, Philip Ward, Patrick Johnston, Paul M
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ISBI
Authors Paul Rasser, Philip Ward, Patrick Johnston, Paul M. Thompson
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