

Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis

8 years 5 months ago
Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis
We consider the quantitative analysis problem for interprocedural control-flow graphs (ICFGs). The input consists of an ICFG, a positive weight function that assigns every transition a positive integer-valued number, and a labelling of the transitions (events) as good, bad, and neutral events. The weight function assigns to each transition a numerical value that represents a measure of how good or bad an event is. The quantitative analysis problem asks whether there is a run of the ICFG where the ratio of the sum of the numerical weights of good events versus the sum of weights of bad events in the long-run is at least a given threshold (or equivalently, to compute the maximal ratio among all valid paths in the ICFG). The quantitative analysis problem for ICFGs can be solved in polynomial time, and we present an efficient and practical algorithm for the problem. We show that several problems relevant for static program analysis, such as estimating the worst-case execution time of a ...
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Andreas Pavlogiannis, Yaron
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where POPL
Authors Krishnendu Chatterjee, Andreas Pavlogiannis, Yaron Velner
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