

Scheduling Independent Tasks with Voltage Overscaling

8 years 8 months ago
Scheduling Independent Tasks with Voltage Overscaling
Abstract—In this paper, we discuss several scheduling algorithms to execute independent tasks with voltage overscaling. Given a frequency to execute the tasks, operating at a voltage below threshold leads to significant energy savings but also induces timing errors. A verification mechanism must be enforced to detect these errors. Contrarily to fail-stop or silent errors, timing errors are deterministic (but unpredictable). For each task, the general strategy is to select a voltage for execution, to check the result, and to select a higher voltage for re-execution if a timing error has occurred, and so on until a correct result is obtained. Switching from one voltage to another incurs a given cost, so it might be efficient to try and execute several tasks at the current voltage before switching to another one. Determining the optimal solution turns out to be unexpectedly difficult. However, we provide the optimal algorithm for a single task, the optimal algorithm when there are o...
Aurélien Cavelan, Yves Robert, Hongyang Sun
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where PRDC
Authors Aurélien Cavelan, Yves Robert, Hongyang Sun, Frédéric Vivien
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