

Wheelchair control and navigation based on kinematic model and iris movement

8 years 11 months ago
Wheelchair control and navigation based on kinematic model and iris movement
— This paper deals control and navigation of the wheelchair for elderly and disabled based on kinematic model iris motion and image processing. Cirrus Power Wheelchair was modelled as an wheeled mobile robot (WMR) with two driving and two free wheels (2DW/2FW). An input/output model of the wheel control system consisting of servo-amplifier, DC motor and gear reducer have been experimentally indentified. To control each driving wheel system, PI controller has been used. Pole placement method was used for tuning PI controller. A software solution was proposed for real-time computing of the wheelchair position based on data acquisition from whell encoders. A navigation system, based on iris movement and image processing, was real-time implemented in MATLAB. This navigation system identifies the user's eye movement in three directions: forward, left and right. Stop of the wheelchair is done by eye closing. Using a LabView platform, a graphic user interface has been designed and impl...
Razvan Solea, Adrian Filipescu, Adriana Filipescu,
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RAM
Authors Razvan Solea, Adrian Filipescu, Adriana Filipescu, Eugenia Minca, Silviu Filipescu
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