

Distributed Authorization with Distributed Grammars

8 years 8 months ago
Distributed Authorization with Distributed Grammars
Abstract. While groups are generally helpful for the definition of authorization policies, their use in distributed systems is not straightforward. This paper describes a design for authorization in distributed systems that treats groups as formal languages. The design supports forms of delegation and negative clauses in authorization policies. It also considers the wish for privacy and efficiency in group-membership checks, and the possibility that group definitions may not all be available and may contain cycles.
Martín Abadi, Mike Burrows, Himabindu Pucha
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Martín Abadi, Mike Burrows, Himabindu Pucha, Adam Sadovsky, Asim Shankar, Ankur Taly
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