

Integrate your partners with interactive forms - automated processing of purchase order confirmations using SAP Interactive Form

8 years 10 months ago
Integrate your partners with interactive forms - automated processing of purchase order confirmations using SAP Interactive Form
Connecting to business partners electronically is one of the most important information technology management issues. Interactive forms enable companies to automate processes with their vendors and customers. In comparison to well discussed technologies like electronic data interchange (EDI) or online portals, interactive forms are hardly considered in the literature as an alternative business-to-business (B2B) technology. In this paper, we discuss the advantages of interactive forms and present a real-life scenario in which they are used to integrate suppliers. In our case, an automotive industry company uses SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe to process purchase order confirmations in its SAP system. Based on an empirical study, we developed a comparison scheme for B2B technologies. Interactive forms turned out to be the best technology to support the purchase order confirmation process. We describe the process flow and the implementation of the prototype. Subsequently, we present the re...
Bernhard Schindlbeck, Peter Kleinschmidt
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BPM
Authors Bernhard Schindlbeck, Peter Kleinschmidt
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