

The DPIL Framework: Tool Support for Agile and Resource-Aware Business Processes

8 years 11 months ago
The DPIL Framework: Tool Support for Agile and Resource-Aware Business Processes
The Declarative Process Intermediate Language (DPIL) is a declarative process modelling language that allows for specifying multiperspective and multi-modal agile, i.e., flexible, processes. The expressiveness of DPIL and its suitability for business process modelling have been evaluated with respect to the well-known Workflow Patterns. The DPIL Framework provides a tool set for supporting agile and resourceaware business processes based on the language DPIL. While the DPIL Modeller component is used to create and verify models, the DPIL Navigator depicts a rule-based execution engine for enacting models. It comprises a web-based worklist which allows process participants to choose and perform tasks. In addition to this, the DPIL Miner component allows for the discovery of DPIL models from event logs. 1 Background and Significance to BPM Two different representational paradigms for business processes can be distinguished: procedural models describe which activities can be executed ...
Stefan Schönig, Michael Zeising
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BPM
Authors Stefan Schönig, Michael Zeising
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