

Business Processes to Touch: Engaging Domain Experts in Process Modelling

8 years 10 months ago
Business Processes to Touch: Engaging Domain Experts in Process Modelling
Abstract. This demo paper presents an interactive tabletop interface with tangible building blocks to engage business domain experts in process modelling. This interface, called Metasonic Touch, is a commercial product based on results of the European research project IANES (Interactive Acquisition, Negotiation and Enactment of Subject-Oriented Business Process Knowledge). BPM conference attendees will be able to use Metasonic Touch and experience the ease and playfulness with which it allows collaboratively modelling, understanding and discussing a process. The target audience includes BPM researchers and practitioners interested in agile and stakeholder-oriented approaches to process modelling. Keywords. Subject-oriented business process modelling, knowledge elicitation, tabletop interfaces 1 Significance to the BPM Field
Udo Kannengiesser, Stefan Oppl
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BPM
Authors Udo Kannengiesser, Stefan Oppl
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