—Recently there is a growing interest of incorporating cellular architecture (with wired base stations and last-hop wireless connections) into fieldbuses to support mobile real-time applications. A promising trend is that such cellular fieldbuses will go multichannel multiradio, due to the wide availability of cheap multichannel commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless nodes, and the rise of 4G and future cellular technologies. For multichannel multiradio cellular fieldbuses, per-flow real-time schedulability guarantee in the inter-cell level has not yet been well studied. Particularly, unlike 3G cellular networks, which use static FDMA/CDMA to isolate cells, the multichannel multiradio feature allows neighboring cells to use the same radio frequency channel at different time-slots; or the same time-slot at different radio frequency channels. How to carry out channel time-slot scheduling is therefore the focus of this paper. To address this issue, we propose a greedy scheduling a...