

Supporting Real-Time Computer Vision Workloads Using OpenVX on Multicore+GPU Platforms

8 years 8 months ago
Supporting Real-Time Computer Vision Workloads Using OpenVX on Multicore+GPU Platforms
—In the automotive industry, there is currently great interest in supporting driver-assist and autonomouscontrol features that utilize vision-based sensing through cameras. The usage of graphics processing units (GPUs) can potentially enable such features to be supported in a cost-effective way, within an acceptable size, weight, and power envelope. OpenVX is an emerging standard for supporting computer vision workloads. OpenVX uses a graph-based software architecture designed to enable efficient computation on heterogeneous platforms, including those that use accelerators like GPUs. Unfortunately, in settings where real-time constraints exist, the usage of OpenVX poses certain challenges. For example, pipelining is difficult to support and processing graphs may have cycles. In this paper, graph transformation techniques are presented that enable these issues to be circumvented. Additionally, a case-study evaluation is presented involving an OpenVX implementation in which these tec...
Glenn A. Elliott, Kecheng Yang, James H. Anderson
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RTSS
Authors Glenn A. Elliott, Kecheng Yang, James H. Anderson
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