

SounDroid: Supporting Real-Time Sound Applications on Commodity Mobile Devices

8 years 11 months ago
SounDroid: Supporting Real-Time Sound Applications on Commodity Mobile Devices
—A variety of advantages from sounds such as measurement and accessibility introduces a new opportunity for mobile applications to offer broad types of interesting, valuable functionalities, supporting a richer user experience. However, in spite of the growing interests on mobile sound applications, few or no works have been done in focusing on managing an audio device effectively. More specifically, their low level of real-time capability for audio resources makes it challenging to satisfy tight timing requirements of mobile sound applications, e.g., a high sensing rate of acoustic sensing applications. To address this problem, this work presents the SounDroid framework, an audio device management framework for real-time audio requests from mobile sound applications. The design of SounDroid is based on the requirement analysis of audio requests as well as an understanding of the audio playback procedure including the audio request scheduling and dispatching on Android. It then inco...
Hyosu Kim, Sang Jeong Lee, Wookhyun Han, Daehyeok
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RTSS
Authors Hyosu Kim, Sang Jeong Lee, Wookhyun Han, Daehyeok Kim, Insik Shin
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