

Classical PID versus predictive control solutions for a galvanometer-based scanner

8 years 11 months ago
Classical PID versus predictive control solutions for a galvanometer-based scanner
– The galvanometer-based scanners (GS) are oscillatory optical systems utilized in high-end biomedical technologies. From a control point-of-view the GSs are mechatronic systems (mainly positioning servo-systems) built usually in a close loop structure and controlled by different control algorithms. The paper presents a Model based Predictive Control (MPC) solution for the mobile equipment (moving magnet and galvomirror) of a GS. The development of a high-performance control solution is based to a basic closed loop GS which consists of a PD-L1 controller and a servomotor. The mathematical model (MM) and the parameters of the basic construction are identified using a theoretical approach followed by an experimental identification. The equipment is used in our laboratory for better dynamical performances for biomedical imaging systems. The control solutions proposed are supported by simulations carried out in Matlab/Simulink.
Corina Anca Mnerie, Stefan Preitl, Virgil-Florin D
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where SACI
Authors Corina Anca Mnerie, Stefan Preitl, Virgil-Florin Duma
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