

Progressive Codesign of an Architecture and Compiler Using a Proxy Application

8 years 10 months ago
Progressive Codesign of an Architecture and Compiler Using a Proxy Application
Abstract—The Active Memory Cube (AMC) is a novel nearmemory processor that exploits high memory bandwidth and low latency close to DRAM to execute scientific applications in an energy-efficient manner. Its energy efficiency is derived from a combination of its novel scalar-vector data-flow path combined with its simple control-flow path that required the development of a sophisticated compiler, co-designed with the architecture. Such co-design is commonly done using hand-tuned codes for simple kernels that typically do not capture the nuances of realworld applications or reveal the complexities of programming a heterogeneous system. At the same time, an entire application is intractable to an early-stage compiler. In this work we describe a progressive, iterative methodology to the co-design of the compiler and architecture for the AMC using LULESH, a real-world hydrodynamics proxy application. We focus on a procedure that calculates the kinematic variables for domain elements. ...
Arpith C. Jacob, Ravi Nair, Tong Chen, Zehra Sura,
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Arpith C. Jacob, Ravi Nair, Tong Chen, Zehra Sura, Changhoan Kim, Carlo Bertolli, Samuel Antão, Kevin O'Brien
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