

Distributed solution of stochastic optimal control problems on GPUs

8 years 8 months ago
Distributed solution of stochastic optimal control problems on GPUs
— Stochastic optimal control problems arise in many applications and are, in principle, large-scale involving up to millions of decision variables. Their applicability in control applications is often limited by the availability of algorithms that can solve them efficiently and within the sampling time of the controlled system. In this paper we propose a dual accelerated proximal gradient algorithm which is amenable to parallelization and demonstrate that its GPU implementation affords high speedup values (with respect to a CPU implementation) and greatly outperforms well-established commercial optimizers such as Gurobi.
Ajay K. Sampathirao, Pantelis Sopasakis, Alberto B
Added 18 Apr 2016
Updated 18 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where CDC
Authors Ajay K. Sampathirao, Pantelis Sopasakis, Alberto Bemporad, Panagiotis Patrinos
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