

Towards lightweight and efficient DDOS attacks detection for web server

15 years 3 months ago
Towards lightweight and efficient DDOS attacks detection for web server
In this poster, based on our previous work in building a lightweight DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Services) attacks detection mechanism for web server using TCM-KNN (Transductive Confidence Machines for K-Nearest Neighbors) and genetic algorithm based instance selection methods, we further propose a more efficient and effective instance selection method, named E-FCM (Extend Fuzzy C-Means). By using this method, we can obtain much cheaper training time for TCM-KNN while ensuring high detection performance. Therefore, the optimized mechanism is more suitable for lightweight DDoS attacks detection in real network environment. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.0 [Computer-Communication Network]: Security and Protection General Terms Security, Algorithms Keywords Web server anomaly detection, E-FCM algorithm, TCM-KNN algorithm, Instance selection
Li Guo, Qin-Wu Nie, Tianbo Lu, Yang Li, Zhihong Ti
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WWW
Authors Li Guo, Qin-Wu Nie, Tianbo Lu, Yang Li, Zhihong Tian
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