

Wishful search: interactive composition of data mashups

15 years 3 months ago
Wishful search: interactive composition of data mashups
With the emergence of Yahoo Pipes and several similar services, data mashup tools have started to gain interest of business users. Making these tools simple and accessible to users with no or little programming experience has become a pressing issue. In this paper we introduce MARIO (Mashup Automation with Runtime Orchestration and Invocation), a new tool that radically simplifies data mashup composition. We have developed an intelligent automatic composition engine in MARIO together with a simple user interface using an intuitive "wishful search" abstraction. It thus allows users to explore the space of potentially composable data mashups and preview composition results as they iteratively refine their "wishes", i.e. mashup composition goals. It also lets users discover and make use of system capabilities without having to understand the capabilities of individual components, and instantly reflects changes made to the components by presenting an aggregate view of ...
Anton Riabov, Eric Bouillet, Mark Feblowitz, Zhen
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WWW
Authors Anton Riabov, Eric Bouillet, Mark Feblowitz, Zhen Liu, Anand Ranganathan
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