

Selective early request termination for busy internet services

15 years 3 months ago
Selective early request termination for busy internet services
Internet traffic is bursty and network servers are often overloaded with surprising events or abnormal client request patterns. This paper studies a load shedding mechanism called selective early request termination (SERT) for network services that use threads to handle multiple incoming requests continuously and concurrently. Our investigation with applications from shows that during overloaded situations, a relatively small percentage of long requests that require excessive computing resource can dramatically affect other short requests and reduce the overall system throughput. By actively detecting and aborting overdue long requests, services can perform significantly better to achieve QoS objectives compared to a purely admission based approach. We have proposed a termination scheme that monitors running time of requests, accounts for their resource usage, adaptively adjusts the selection threshold, and performs a safe termination for a class of requests. This paper presen...
Jingyu Zhou, Tao Yang
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where WWW
Authors Jingyu Zhou, Tao Yang
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