This work aims a two-fold contribution: it presents a software to analyse logfiles and visualize popular web hot spots and, additionally, presents an algorithm to use this information in order to identify subsets of the website that display large access patterns. Such information is extremely valuable to the site maintainer, since it indicates points that may need content intervention or/and site graph restructuring. Experimental validation verified that the visualization tool, when coupled with algorithms that infer frequent traversal patterns, is both effective in indicating popular hot spots and efficient in doing so by using graph-based representations of popular traversals. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics H.5.4 [Information Systems]: Hypertext General Terms Algorithms, Management, Design, Experimentation. Keywords Access visualization, Maximal Forward path, Usage mining
D. Avramouli, John D. Garofalakis, Dimitris J. Kav