

Managing versions of web documents in a transaction-time web server

15 years 1 months ago
Managing versions of web documents in a transaction-time web server
This paper presents a transaction-time HTTP server, called ? Apache that supports document versioning. A document often consists of a main file formatted in HTML or XML and several included files such as images and stylesheets. A change to any of the files associated with a document creates a new version of that document. To construct a document version history, snapshots of the document's files are obtained over time. Transaction times are associated with each file version to record the version's lifetime. The transaction time is the system time of the edit that created the version. Accounting for transaction time is essential to supporting audit queries that delve into past document versions and differential queries that pinpoint differences between two versions. ? Apache performs automatic versioning when a document is read thereby removing the burden of versioning from document authors. Since some versions may be created but never read, ? Apache distinguishes between kno...
Curtis E. Dyreson, Hui-ling Lin, Yingxia Wang
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Curtis E. Dyreson, Hui-ling Lin, Yingxia Wang
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