

Newsjunkie: providing personalized newsfeeds via analysis of information novelty

15 years 3 months ago
Newsjunkie: providing personalized newsfeeds via analysis of information novelty
We present a principled methodology for filtering news stories by formal measures of information novelty, and show how the techniques can be used to custom-tailor newsfeeds based on information that a user has already reviewed. We review methods for analyzing novelty and then describe Newsjunkie, a system that personalizes news for users by identifying the novelty of stories in the context of stories they have already reviewed. Newsjunkie employs novelty-analysis algorithms that represent articles as words and named entities. The algorithms analyze inter- and intra- document dynamics by considering how information evolves over time from article to article, as well as within individual articles. We review the results of a user study undertaken to gauge the value of the approach over legacy time-based review of newsfeeds, and also to compare the performance of alternate distance metrics that are used to estimate the dissimilarity between candidate new articles and sets of previously rev...
Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Susan T. Dumais, Eric Horvitz
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Susan T. Dumais, Eric Horvitz
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